The Night Country

for february 2010, fireball wrote a bunch of words and sent them out to farflung folks to put them to music. seventeen songs came back from that venture. fireball added a little bit to many of the songs, with mixed results. here is information about the songs.

back to the FAWM 2010 songlist

the foreign lovechild ice hockey blues

      words and music by fireball
      phone-in vocals by bekka jean

I got the blues. I got the blues.
I've been living in a foreign country ever since I ran away
Things got cold and weird and ugly and fell apart on our wedding day
Now I haven't found the road back home, back to the USA
It's a long road, in case you ain't heard the news.
I got the blues.

I got the blues. I got the blues.
baby's just like the arctic circle, could be ice cold or smoking hot
I still got this ring on my finger, but that's about all I got
Maybe little Waldo is my baby, and then again maybe not
I don't know what boxes to check or what forms to use
I got the lovechild blues.

I got the blues. I got the blues.
I'm blue from the woman and the great white north and the rum
I don't know who waldo is... or what country he's from
I don't know if my estranged wife's still psychotic... or if she just thinks i'm dumb
I am so confused
I got the foreign lovechild blues

I got the blues. I got the blues.
I got her voice on my machine, remember every word she said.
I want my maybe-son to be a man... he wants to play ice hockey instead
I still got a buzzing in my brain from a stray puck to the head.
lonesome motel tv let's me watch the USA lose
I got the foreign lovechild ice hockey blues.

back to the FAWM 2010 songlist